Jessie Poisson


“We are all capable of living a life filled with more magic and less suffering. The practice of Yoga provides tools to help unravel our hardships and lean into strength, resilience and gratitude both on a cellular and spiritually level. Everything is temporary. Spread love. Be present. Yoga is now.”

Jessie has always found herself to be curious + passionate about the human body and building a better relationship with her health — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Yoga has become an integral part of her daily life as a way to move her body, calm the mind, ground her senses, and to elevate her spirit. 

We cannot wait to share the wonders of Yoga with you ~

An Exploration of Play

Her Movement Style

As an instructor, Jessie’s intention is to inspire people to live consciously in the present moment, exercise through self-inquiry and to embrace their true Self. Yoga is a philosophy and tool that anyone and everyone can practice; you don’t need to be super flexible, you just need to be curious and come with an open mind. Jessie takes pride in honouring the roots of Yoga philosophy and Yoga science, while integrating modern anatomy and physiology principles in her offerings.

Her approach emphasizes the connection of breath with functional/intentional movement. Each class we empower through play where you get to be curious about how your body + mind feel as we flow through fun movement.

Our bodies are mystical instruments that carry us through life. Our bodies are vessels for our souls experience, and by being intentional in how we move + breathe + play this allows us to slow down, gain self-awareness, and tap into our higher vibration.

Forever Learning & Growing with Love

Training & Qualifications

200hr Iyengar Hatha Yoga & Pilates Fusion

30hr Thai Massage Level 1 (Assisted Stretch)

25hr Gravity Yoga®

15hr Breath Work Facilitation

6hr Trauma Response & Embodiment

5hr AcroYoga

Project Management Professional (PMP)

A Practice of Conscious Compassion

Her Own Yoga Journey

Jessie began her Yoga journey in 2016 attending classes as a student where she instantly fell in love. Initially it was the physical practice that drew her in - but then the mental clarity, self-awareness and mindfulness was what kept her practicing. 

As someone who experiences stress and anxiety, Yoga became a tool that I found myself reaching for daily. When she finds her mind racing with thoughts, she turns to Yoga. When she finds her body holding tension, she turns to Yoga. Yoga has become an integral part of her daily life as a way to move her body, calm the mind, ground her senses, and to elevate her spirit. 

In 2021, Jessie completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) through an immersive course led by Christina Raskin and Soul Thrive Yoga (Oxygen Yoga & Fitness). Just before starting her YTT, Jessie experienced a bilateral knee injury where she could barely walk, let alone practice asana. At first she viewed at this as a massive hurdle, but soon discovered it was a blessing in disguise. Experiencing an injury within her own body while learning how to teach Yoga to others sparked an inquiry for how she can provide offerings that are well-rounded for everyone; from athletes and experienced Yogi’s, to those who may be new, less flexible or with reduced mobility. Jessie strives to create a safe and welcoming experience for everyone. She loves working with clients who are returning back to movement after long pauses and those who are curious to slow down and explore a mindful movement practice.

Ready to Get Started?

Let’s Flow.